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PubblicitàCaffè Italiano



Torna “In Altre Parole”, tra gli ospiti Mario Calabresi e Ritanna Armeni

Leggiamo su un prestigioso quotidiano italiano che gli ospiti saranno seduti sugli iconici sgabelli. Per noi sono sempre state poltroncine (anche eleganti). Boh.... [....]
HomeNotizieJoe Biden said Beijing has a "responsibility to use influence with Putin"

Joe Biden said Beijing has a “responsibility to use influence with Putin”

by John Dee

The 18th of march USA’s president Joe Biden and his chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, have begun their first direct talks since November, both facing the deep concern for Ukraine situation, after brutal Putin’s aggression.

Biden and Xi began speaking at 13:00 GMT on Friday. Chinese President tells Biden Russia-Ukraine war is in “no one’s interest” and “peace is the most important treasure” for the world. Pity it doesn’t seem his country is particularly commettend in condemning Putin’s brutal aggression of the neutral Ukraine. Joe Biden added China “has a responsibility to use its influence with President Putin” and “to defend the international rules and principles that it professes to support”.


(18 marzo 2022)

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