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Torna “In Altre Parole”, tra gli ospiti Mario Calabresi e Ritanna Armeni

Leggiamo su un prestigioso quotidiano italiano che gli ospiti saranno seduti sugli iconici sgabelli. Per noi sono sempre state poltroncine (anche eleganti). Boh.... [....]
HomeAttualitàMore than 30 people killed in stampede at church event in Nigeria

More than 30 people killed in stampede at church event in Nigeria

by Jennifer Aliw Deede

According to police adn security officials cited by CNN more than 30 people, most of them children, were killed and others injured when a stampede broke out at a church event in the southeastern Nigerian city of Port Harcourt on Saturday.

The incident took place at a local polo club, where the nearby Kings Assembly Church had organized a gift donation drive, as Olufemi Ayodele, a regional spokesman for Nigeria’s Civil Defense Corps states, and during “the process of distributing the gift items, there was a stampede due to overcrowding,” he said. “Casualties were children mostly.”

Thirty-one people have been confirmed dead, seven injured people were hospitalized.


(28th may, 2022)

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